How to Edit Top Bar Menu
Your Top bar Menu is a small menu that is show above your main navigation menu. It is not necessary, but can be good for showing additional links other than your page links, such as social media links and a search bar.
Step 1: Editing the Design of your Top bar.
While logged in, Click the "Admin" button in the top right of your screen and select "Design" in the dropdown menu.
Step 2: Go to the Top bar settings.
On the left hand menu, select "Top bar Menu"
Step 3: Now you can choose the design of your top bar and toggle what you want to appear.
Then click "Save Top bar Menu"
Your top bar menu now appears above your main menu.
Note: If you are choosing to have your social icons appear in either your footer or your top bar, make sure you've added the correct links. To do that, follow THIS article.
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